What is Ulrich's and how do I access and use it?
Last Updated: Oct 18, 2023     Views: 318

Ulrichs, also known as Ulrichsweb, is a database that identifies peer-reviewed (also known as refereed) journals. It includes in-depth information on periodicals covering many subjects, including academic and scholarly journals, open-access publications, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, and newsletters.

Note: You will not find journal articles in Ulrichs, as it only provides information about the publication itself.

To find information about a specific publication:

  1. Access Ulrichs from the library's Research Databases under the letter "U."
  2. Search for the journal or publication name and look for an icon in the column to the left of the publication title. When you hover over the icons with your mouse, it will tell you what each icon represents.
  3. If the referee shirt icon is present, the publication is peer-reviewed or refereed. It will also indicate if the journal is scholarly (academic) but not peer-reviewed. Learn about the distinction on our How Do I Locate Peer Reviewed / Scholarly Materials page.
  4. When you click on the title from the search results list, you will see more details on the journal, such as status, frequency, and whether it is refereed.

You will want to search the library's research databases for journal articles. Check out our FAQs "Find a Specific Article or Book" and "How do I search the library?" for more help.

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